Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What Exams do to you

Hey guys :)

Happy new month, Congratulations Nigerians on your keen interest in the past election and standing for the RIGHT thing to be done. Did you watch my chat with BBC Africa just before the election? No? Here is the link: Debbie on BBC Africa

I have exams next week.

Yes, i have PhD course work exams (does that sound right). And

yes, I am anxious. I can't particularly say what I am anxious about, but I just feel "one kain, one kain".

I can't sleep, I try to study while doing a million and one other things....

But great thing is I am not scared. I know very well that I will by God's grace nail all NINE (9) papers. Yes, 9 oooh. One will think life gets easier as you get older, but....
So it is 11: 46 pm and I am trying to get some studying done in my office.

In other unrelated news, these days I find myself needing a very very long break from the country (relocating maybe). I am not 100% certain how that'll work with all the plans for my life I am presently putting into action, but heyyyy.. #Goddey.

How are ya'll doing? Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, speak to me :)



  1. I know that feeling. I'm sure you'll get past through it.

    All the best in your exam Debbie.

    1. Thank you Hannah, I am positive I'll share the sucess result here :)

  2. You are beautiful! success in your exams.
