Four years ago, I had a breast lump scare --- I was randomly examining my breasts when I noticed a few lumps. As expected, I freaked out, and freaked the whole house out.
(No, this is not a sad story --- don't worry)
"I need you to urgently do a breast scan and bring the results to me" --- The pretty Hausa lady doctor told me after about fifteen minutes of a thorough breast examination, a day after my "discovery" (Yes, I noticed how pretty she was, despite the state of my heart)
A few run around with my mum, and I finally had an appointment set for a week later, for a breast ultrasound --- the one week to the scan was the scariest one week of my life-- mehn! I literally was not myself--- but as per strong girl nah! I had to form "man" -- Like "I've got this"
For the one week wait, I seriously went to my God in prayers --- I basically lived and drank the bible and the mountain of Fire prayer passport book. Luckily, I was waiting to pick up my NYSC call up letter at the point, so I was literally unemployed, and just eating free food in my parents house (That was the life then, I didn't have to pay bills or buy my own food --- The best days are truly the days in between school and work—- I am honestly done with being an adult 😐😐)

Day 1: Oh Lord, why me?
Day 2: Oh Lord, it can't be me
Day 3: Friends and family were really worried
Day 4: I have got this
Day 7: I am not afraid, My God's got this.
Now for the juicy part of the story --- the final day of the scan arrived --- ghen ghen! My eldest sister came for the appointment with me --- as per moral support nah
I got into the scanning room, took off my top, laid on the bed --- ready to know my fate 😔😔
The radiologist first did some routine check on my breast --- Left breast, right breast --- ✅✅
In my mind, I thought bros took a little longer than normal to carry out the examination, and was maybe a bit too expressive with his hands for a breast check --- but haaay! I am not the expert, so I just remained silent.
Next, he began to rub the gel on both breasts -- just like before, I felt he was too expressive --- you know, caressing the breast just a bit too much-- but once more, I thought "Haaaay! I am no expert still".
Finally, while rubbing the transducer (that scanner thing), this time around even my sister looked at me — and you know how siblings can speak with their eyes? We definitely both said "This is definitely more than just the normal check 😒😒😒"
Now, the perfect icing on the cake, when the radiologist finished the "test", guess his next verdict?
Teeth shinning, bros said "YOUR BREASTS ARE PERFECT", with the quirkiest smile ever 😐😐😒😒
While I was extremely excited that I was fine-- I also gave bros the straight face -- why won't you say they are perfect 😒😒😒
Main reason for this post --- A conversation about pap smears with my friend Deola made us, realize Africans and African ladies in particular, tend to ignore a lot of routine checks
Babes, I know we are strong, and most importantly, Our God's got this! But please, every now and then, Let's try to get some routine tests done
Well said mama!!