Morning everyone, How was your night? Splendid? Or like mine? I slept on the same bed with my brother last night and he bastardised my face with his legs while turning every minute :( Should have just slept in my room oo. Dunno who sent me message. (Ta lo ro m'ise)
I was playing across the streets of twitter yesterday when I saw a tweet about the two faced man called Edward Mordrake of the 19th century. I decided to read more, with the help of google I read some enlightening articles... And here I am telling ya'll the story of the day....
Before I go further, the story of Edward Mordrake cannot be said to be fully true. Some articles presented it as a "tale" talking about how there is no documented evidence, and how it's bn a pass down tale from generation to generation just like the story of tortoise and king lion....
Some also went ahead to say, the pictures people see today about Edward wasnt a real picture, but an artist's representation of how Edward would have looked.
Edward was said to have an "evil twin" at the back of his head... The face could not talk or eat, but laughed, cried, sneered and according to Edward, whispered evil things to him. It was said that the face made "faces" to people, and the lips always moved, sometimes mimicking others, but a word was never heard.
Edward claimed his "evil twin" tormented him at night, and although most of the articles described Edward's front face to be "quite" handsome, the back face was said to be "demon-looking"
Some articles went ahead to say how much of a fine young man Edward was; he was termed a scholar in some, others wrote about his love for music, art and other fine things of life.
However at the age of 23, it is recorded that Edward could not take it no more *i cannot take it no more 🎶* and decided to commit suicide. While some believe he did so by poisoning, others said he put a bullet through the eyes of his evil twin; leaving a note which said the face should be removed from his head before burying him, just so the evil twin does not torment him in the grave.
A similar story to Edward's was that of Chang Tzu Ping who was discovered in the late 70s or early 80s... However, unlike Edward, there was documented evidence of Chang's face, even a tv appearance on the show called "that's incredible" which showed the journey of Chang from China to America to surgically remove the face.
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