Sunday, February 19, 2012

My worst break Up 1

Hey guys,

So I promised over a week ago to have guest speakers on the topic "my worst break up" and as you all know, I keep my promises.
Due to the volume of stories I have, I'll cut the post into parts, and because I gave my word to the writers not to disclose their identity (well those that asked to be anonymous) like my other post on "sex--> the first time" I'll add the twitter handles of people that helped with the post (guest speakers and advisers) at the end of the final part. That way, I'll keep ya'll guessing :)
I hope you enjoy their stories as much as I did..

Speaker 1:

To think I even counted it as a relationship, I must have been very gullible. Social networks have become a place to set "P" either for Skype snacks, fame or actual friendship(which is very rare). Anyway I had been following Mr Y?! On Twitter for a while , how we became friends I can't even recall but yeah one random day I received a DM (the usual first move room) from him requesting my BBM Pin. I did the usual shakara at first, then after assessing his DP, TL and Mutual Followers, I decided to give it to him. I consulted a few friends and Oh Lord had I known, I should have been smart! Most reports were negative, warnings etc but my mumu self decided to give it a shot (I thought I'd be an exception) since I like bad guys anyway.
So from DM to BBM to Skype. Only at the first Skype convo had I started to fall smh... I mean he wasn't bad looking and he had poise so what the hell. Sha sha one thing lead to another before we knew it , #pause before I knew it I was in a "relationship" with someone in another country. Ode like me put up his dp now to introduce my new man to my contact list lmaooo!
Three days into the mistake Mr Y?! Called me on skype and broke the news.
(I don't remember the exact convo soo this is Paraphrased)

Me: hey!
Mr Y?! : sup ......

A little convo then...
"well I was joking when I said I liked you, I don't , I just wanted to see if I still had "swag", "moves" (I can't remember the exact word) so I decided to use you to experiment."
GBAGAUN! *light bulb moment*
It was like a joke ... I was actually laughing until I realized it was fo'real.
Nope I didn't cry, I felt verrrrry stupid. I liked him but it hadn't reached stage two and I'm good looking with a good personality (no seriously) so he was just an A-hole. I was warned but I didn't listen so either way I deserved it.
Is it safe to call this a break up? Because technically 3 days in shouldn't be classified as a relationship. I call this my worst break up because it was a "weak" break up.

Speaker 2:

You know how people say "private relationship"? Well, those two words to me for the few years I've lived on earth seemed very similar to "happily married"...they seemed like paradoxes; until recently when I was "delivered" of the fact that there are, and can be happy marriages. But that is not why we are here. The reason why this particular break-up was, and I believe will forever be my worst was because it was done via Facebook...uh huh, you read right, Facebook.

Why did the Facebook break-up cut so deep you ask? Well, you're about to find out.
I met this amazing fresh-faced beauty a few years back through a common friend, and we hit it off instantly, because of time, we had a really short conversation and I asked for her phone number (BB's weren't what they are today). Just before she started reading out her number, I realised my phone wasn't with me *oh sh#t* (gentlemen, NEVER go unprepared to battle). She read the number aloud once&said she wasn't going to again. I tried repeating it in my head, but I'd go 0803*blank*...I couldn't remember it. I got home that day and started fiddling with my phone; before I realised it, I had typed the entire number (cool story eh?, I thought so too).

We got talking and weeks into it, I asked her to date me and the response was in the affirmative. Those days I didn't have a car or have access to one, and she didn't go out a lot, so I took a "tuski", cab, hitched a ride...whatever I could do to get to see her almost every week day for the entire summer holiday. I was in love (*yimu* there and your mouth will remain permanently like that :| ).

After the summer holiday, she started first year in University and I resumed my second. Things were great, and we tried to see as often as we could; but not long after, cracks started to appear in our less-than-perfect system. I noticed and tried to pass them off as a "short phase", but things got silently and progressively worse. We saw less often and complained more, we had two options: sit down, assess our relationship and workout a plan to move forward. OR, sit down assess our relationship and call it a day...or at least, so I thought.

Semester exams passed, valentine's day passed (each bringing their own fair share of strain to an already stretched relationship). We finally agreed over one weekend to sit and properly discuss our fate one fateful friday....boy was I in for a rude shock. That wednesday, I saw her friend, and she asked "what's up with you and *****" and I answered "we're good". Then she chuckled and said "ok, 'cos I saw something on facebook". *inserts nollywood movie soundtrack*. So, on thursday morning my curiosity got the better part of me, I went on facebook and saw it. *pause*. Did I forget to tell you, our relationship was quoted on FB? (Olukoya Dehinsilu is in a relationship with ***** *****) I did? Oh, well now you know. *play*. I saw it, my relationship status had changed and I definitely didn't change it (don't cry for me Argentina). So, I called her and she confirmed it. I was too hurt and bashed to even ask why? Not why she felt the need to end it, but why like that. My heart was bruised, but my ego...oh poor guy, my ego was beaten into comatose. The after effect: several broken-hearted girls and Presidency of the "Single and Wayward Association (which I have now since retired from)".

A big thank you to Debbie, for letting me feature here. If you wanna check out other stuff I've written, go to DOJ's blog.

I hope you enjoyed our first two speakers :) I'll be posting the next part hopefully before the end of the week. I am still accepting stories, so feel free to send in your stories "" and don't forget to leave a comment, a reaction and share the link...

Debbie :*

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